

We have daily departures, weather conditions permitting. Timetables will depend on the tides and weather conditions, to ensure that you can make the most of our trips.

We start the sighting season in March and finish in October.

We are a company specialising in high quality maritime transport and excursions.

Our excursions are subject to the General Conditions of Carriage, available in all sales areas, at the ticket offices and on this link.

Our outings

Our outings


We sailed through the central part of the Strait of Gibraltar looking for dolphins and whales. In addition, other marine species can always be observed. such as sunfish, tuna and birds.


By sailing for longer and extending the search area, in addition to resident species there is a greater chance of encountering whales and killer whales.

Prices and Schedules


At 12:00 h
At 16:00 h
Every day from March to October (conditions permitting)


Departures 2 h
Adults45 €From 6 to 14 years old30 € From 1 to 5 years15 €From 0 to 1 yearFree
Departures 3 h
Adults65 €From 6 to 14 years old40 € From 1 to 5 years20 €From 0 to 1 yearFree

The above prices apply to our pre-established routes and timetables and include VAT (art. of Law 37/1992).

Nuestras excursiones están sometidas a las Condiciones generales de transporte, disponibles en todas las zonas de venta, en las taquillas y en este enlace.


Sun protection, hat, jacket and footwear (avoid flip-flops). To prevent motion sickness, it is advisable to take some medicine before boarding.


In order to make the sighting as respectful as possible, we will approach the animals with caution and avoiding disturbing them, using the distances, direction and speed recommended by Spanish Legislation (RD 1727/2007) and the ACCOBAMS Regulations.

In addition, it is strictly forbidden to feed or touch the animals, to throw any object into the sea and to shout.

It is recommended not to run, to move slowly around the boat, and to always have a point of support to better maintain balance. Minors must be accompanied by an adult at all times.


All passengers are covered by the Compulsory Passenger Insurance (SOV), as established by Royal Decree 1575 of 22 December 1989.

Book your tour now,
our team is waiting for you to show you the wonders of the Strait.


our offices and meeting point

    Our offices count with a waiting room, where you can rest, go to the toilet, watch videos, etc., and get information about our trips while you wait for the departure time.

Exclusive Departures

Turmares - Avistamiento de cetáceos en Tarifa

As a novelty, we have a hybrid boat to enjoy the animals. in a more intimate and exclusive way: our Dolphin Tarifa. Ideal for small groups, families, photographers, ornithologists and scientists.

A premium experience in a unique environment!

Prices are subject to variations depending on duration and season. For more information, please contact us.

Responsible whale watching

Our company is committed and responsible. All the members of our crew, together with the biologist-guides, have a wide knowledge and sensibility about the animals that help us to interpret their behavior, carrying out the sightings in a respectful way, complying with national and international regulations.

We were a consultant company for the drafting of Royal Decree 1727/2007, of 21 December, establishing measures for the protection of cetaceans in Spain. And on a global level we participated in the elaboration of the ‘Strategic Plan for Whale Watching Development’ by the International Whaling Commission.

Turmares - Avistamiento de cetáceos en Tarifa


Whale watching is considered an ecotourism activity, and as such, it has a number of economic, social and scientific advantages, as it provides a greater environmental and cultural sensitivity to the visitor and the local population.
It is a useful and necessary tool for raising environmental awareness, since what is best known is best conserved and protected.

Turmares Tarifa is an approved and registered company: Brand Natural Park of Andalusia since 2007.

If you want to know how we contribute to conservation and research, click here!

To find cetaceans

We are backed by more than 25 years of sailing with the best professionals in the waters of the Strait of Gibraltar, with a thorough knowledge of the tides, currents and the behavior and habits of the cetaceans.

For the location

Visually, and with the help of binoculars, we look for blows, splashes of water when jumping, dorsal fins and the brightness of the water, among others.

The approach

Slowly and as best as possible, following the guidelines established by the Accobams regulations and Royal Decree 1727/2007.

Boats shall navigate at a maximum speed of 4 knots and no faster than the slowest animal in the group.

The approach to cetaceans shall be made gently in the direction and direction of the animals at an angle of 30°, never head-on, from behind or perpendicular to their path.

It is important to keep navigation parallel to the animals and avoid sudden changes of course or speed.

If an animal approaches the ship or appears suddenly within 60 metres of a ship, the master shall put the engine in neutral.

If we detect elusive behaviour we left the area, looking for other groups.

Physical contact of boats or people with cetaceans.

Feeding animals, throwing food, drinks, rubbish or any other type of object or substance.

Prevent free movement of cetaceans, intercept their trajectory, cut them off, or to pass through a group of animals.

Separate or disperse the group of cetaceans and, in particular, to come between an adult and his or her breeding.

Producing loud or strident noises and sounds in an attempt to attract them or drive them away, including underwater sound emissions.

Swim or dive with the animals.

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